Newsmax | As Prime Minister Modi Begins Second Term He Must Unite India
This week, Narendra Modi was sworn in to a second term in office, becoming the first Indian prime minister in over five decades to not only win back-to-back parliamentary elections but to do so while increasing his party’s majority. The BJP, Modi’s party, won a landslide 303 seats in parliament. As expected, Modi’s victory has drawn mixed reactions. In fact, so much so that TIME magazine ran two bewildering articles: one before the election calling the prime minister “Divider-in-Chief” and another afterward titled “Modi Has United India Like No Prime Minister in Decades.” As comical as TIME magazine’s gaffe may be, the truth is India stands at a crossroads. Other media reports have pointed to the rise of Hindu nationalism in the BJP and its threat to religious minorities. Of course, we must keep in context the reality that since independence India has been ruled by Hindu majority parties, regardless of who is in power. Coming into his second term, Prime Minister Modi has the opportunity to shape India for decades to come, but to achieve this he must work toward uniting India by taking these three steps: 1. Reach Out to Indian Muslims Modi’s first order of business should be to reach out to Indian Muslims who have suffered violence from extreme, right-wing elements, some which claim to support him and his party. The prime minister has already stated he wants his government to include and be fair to all sections of society. “We have to carry along everyone for the good of the country,” Modi said in a victory speech shortly after the election. Sadly, many candidates resorted to polarizing language during the election, stoking already existing religious tensions. In a recent example, the day [...]